  • Associate Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin recently published a research article "The Determining Number of a Cartesian Product" in the Journal of Graph Theory. This work continues Boutin's studies finding a smallest set of nodes that captures all the symmetries in a network. In this recent work she closely bounds the size of such a set in a large class of networks created by taking products of smaller networks.

  • Associate Professors of Mathematics Debra Boutin and Sally Cockburn presented their joint work in a pair of talks at the Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference at the University of Montreal in May.

  • Five members of the Hamilton faculty were recognized for their research and creative successes through a new series of awards presented at the 2008 Class & Charter Day on May 9. The Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Awards were instituted in three categories this year by Dean of Faculty Joe Urgo. Derek Jones, the Irma M. and Robert D. Morris Professor of Economics, received the Career Achievement Award; Associate Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin was awarded Early Career Achievement; and Assistant Professor of Sociology Stephen Ellingson, Associate Professor of English Naomi Guttman and Associate Professor of History Lisa Trivedi all received the Notable Year Achievement awards.

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