  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin organized a mini-symposium at the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Discrete Mathematics in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her mini-symposium brought together 10 mathematicians to speak about their work on graph networks and their symmetries. 

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin and Associate Professor of Mathematics Sally Cockburn published their joint work "Posets of Geometric Graphs" in Ars Mathematica Contemporanea.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin gave a research talk at the American Mathematical Society Southeastern Section Meeting at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla., on March 11. In this talk, Boutin described a set of vertices that can be used to remove all symmetries from a network and presented new results on the size of such sets in some well-known network families.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin was recently elected as an officer of the Discrete Math Activity Group of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

  • U.S. Army Col. Maritza Ryan and U.S. Air Force Col. James M. Durant III will be members of a panel discussing “The Evolution of Diversity: Race and Gender in the U.S. Military” on Monday, Sept. 26, at 4 p.m. in the Days-Massolo Center. They will be joined by Maynard-Knox Professor of Government Frank Anechiarico ’71 and Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin. Sponsored by the Chief Diversity Officer and the Office of the President, the event is free and open to the public.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin organized a mini-symposium on Embeddings and Geometric Representations of Graphs at the Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics at the University of Victoria May 31 - June 3.  She also gave a talk titled "Automorphisms of Geometric Graphs - a retrospective and prospective."  In this talk Boutin presented both earlier work and new directions on the symmetries of networks drawn in two dimensions.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin recently gave two invited talks on an area of her current research. One was an expository talk to a general mathematical audience at St. Michael's College in Vermont. The other was a more technical talk to graph theorists at the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin recently published a research article titled "The thickness and chromatic number of r-inflated graphs" in Discrete Mathematics. In this paper, Boutin and her co-authors Michael Albertson (late of Smith College) and Ellen Gethner (University of Colorado, Denver) introduce their work on networks that are inflated by replacing each vertex in by a set of r mutually connected vertices and replacing each edge between a pair of vertices with all edges between the associated 2r vertices.

  • Six members of the Hamilton College faculty have been promoted to the rank of professor. Associate professors Debra Boutin, mathematics; Naomi Guttman, English; Shoshana Keller, history; Doran Larson, English; Herm Lehman biology; and Gary Wyckoff, government, were promoted, effective July 1.

  • Associate Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin gave an invited talk in a special session on Graph Theory at the recent Eastern Sectional Meeting of the American Math Society at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. In her talk, "The Cost of 2-Distinguishing," Boutin described a set of vertices that can be used to remove all symmetries from a network, and she presented new results on how surprisingly small these sets of vertices can be in some well-known network families.


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