  • Debra Boutin, professor of mathematics, gave a research presentation "Parameters for Graph Symmetries" at the Center for Communication Research, in La Jolla, Calif. In this talk, Boutin surveyed known and new results on ways of measuring network symmetries. In this survey she not only introduced the audience to various parameters used to quantify symmetries, but showed some of the surprisingly strong connections between them.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin gave a research presentation "Symmetry Parameters for the Lexicographic Product" at the 2016 Joint Mathematics Meeting in Seattle, Wash.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin gave an invited talk on her current research topics to the math students and faculty at Colgate University. Her talk "Network Symmetries" was designed to define a few of the basic ideas in network symmetries and to build intuition by examining how this ideas play out for a number of especially elegant network families.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin gave a research talk titled "Determining and Distinguishing Cartesian Products" at the 8th Slovenian Graph Theory Conference at Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, held June 21-27.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin recently published a research article "Infinite Graphs with Finite 2-Distinguishing Cost" in the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. In this article Boutin and her coauthor, Wilfried Imrich of Montanuniversit\"{a}t Leoben, Austria, prove that each member in a large class of infinite graphs has a very small set of nodes that can be used to obstruct all symmetry.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin gave a research presentation "The Cost of Distinguishing Graphs" at the 22nd Coast Combinatorics Conference in Kona, Hawaii. In this talk, Boutin presented results on the smallest size of a set of vertices that can be used to remove all symmetries from a network.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin presented her work on "Distinguishing Costs for Graphs" at the Bordeaux Graph Theory Workshop in Bordeaux, France.  Boutin presented results on the smallest size of a set of vertices that can be used to remove all symmetries from a network.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin gave a talk titled "Geometric Homomorphisms and the Geochromatic Number" at the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Discrete Math Conference, held June 16-19 in Minneapolis.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin published a research article titled "The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Selected Kneser Graphs and Hypercubes" in the Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing. In this article, Boutin presents results on a set of vertices that can be used to remove all symmetries from a network. These results give the exact size of these set for two well-known network families.

  • Professor of Mathematics Debra Boutin published a research article titled “The Cost of 2-Distinguishing Cartesian Powers” in the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.


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