  • The question of what it means to be “American” has never been easy to answer. For marginalized groups, issues of competing identities and stereotypes can lead to discrepancies between self-identification and phenotypic identification. Shabana Mir, professor of anthropology at Millikin University, presented the findings of her research on the post 9/11 experiences of Muslim American women in American higher education in a Hamilton lecture on Sept. 23.

  • In modern day America, it’s sometimes said that racism no longer exists. Three decades after the Civil Rights Movement, our country elected its first black president, seemingly validating this view. However, John Dovidio, the Carl Iver Hovland Professor of Psychology and the Dean of Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at Yale University, disagrees.

  • Andrew Szatkowski ’15, a chemistry major, is spending part of the summer doing cutting-edge research on solar cell technology as an intern with the Thomas Bein group at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. The prestigious internship was awarded through the non-profit German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD), and is funded through the Class of 1964 Internship Support Fund.

  • Out of Utica’s some 60,000 residents, as many as a quarter of them could be refugees, Shelly Callahan, the executive director for the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees (MVRCR), revealed in a recent New York Times article. The Center is a not-for-profit organization that has helped resettle thousands of immigrants from over 30 countries since its founding in 1979. Today, Utica is truly a mix of cultures, reflected in the more than 40 languages spoken by the 2,700 students at Utica’s Proctor High School.

  • In the U.S., having command of more than one language can only help one’s job prospects. However, in many countries this skill is simply a prerequisite for employment. Siri Cosper ’16 is spending the summer teaching English in Madrid interning with the language academy Languages 247.

  • Although there are still five months left in 2014, Philadelphia’s homicide count has already surpassed last year’s total1. Zones of Peace, an interfaith initiative founded in 2006 by the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia, “works to eliminate today’s culture of violence: its causes, incidents, and tragic consequences.” Jennie Wilber ’17, a prospective religious studies major, has dedicated her summer to working with the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia

  • Bellevue Hospital Center, which was founded on March 31, 1736, is the oldest public hospital in the United States, and has always been focused on individualized care for the patient. Charlotte Beers ’16, a neuroscience major, is experiencing this quality care first-hand as a research associate at the Manhattan-based care facility.

  • News sources like the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and USA Today provide information to millions of readers everyday. Many local papers are facing dwindling readership as individuals turn to free digitized news sources for their convenience and comprehensiveness. But in Vermont,  The Addison County Independent “remains a viable business despite the general decline of printed newspapers around the world,” said Mary Langworthy ’17, a summer intern with the paper.

  • Business forecasting and preparing grant proposals may not be the typical duties of a summer intern, yet Kate Nguyen’s ’15 is gaining extensive hands-on experience working at two small organizations in New York City. Nguyen is interning with the Greenwich Village Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, and Day One, an independent record label, through the generosity of the Summer Internship Support Fund.

  • Courtney Power ’15, a communication major, is spending the summer in New York City with Evolution Media Talent (EMT), through the generosity of the Class of 1964 Internship Support Fund. She described EMT as, “a talent representation firm, managing and representing professionals in the news, sports and entertainment industries.”

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