  • Personal and heated, debates over the American healthcare system have been raging all over the country, making healthcare one of the US’s most pressing domestic issues. Hamilton alumni from the class of 1970 addressed this issue in an Alumni College during this year’s reunion.

  • Clad in pseudo-space-age garb, Sarah Andrus ’12 looks somewhat out of place striding through a grassy field and not bounding over lunar craters. Despite her more mundane surroundings, Andrus’ quest still leads to an exploration of sorts: she is collecting samples of honeybees and fruit flies for her research with Associate Professor of Biology Herman Lehman. These samples may help to dispel some of the mystery surrounding the effects of a little-understood compound called octopamine.

  • Over the course of Reunions ’10 Weekend, the speakers at the 30+ Alumni College events informed alumni on a wide variety of topics, ranging from the most pressing concerns on an international scale to the history and current debates of Hamilton itself. Nine such events, described below, focused on the current state of American healthcare, Hamilton during the Vietnam War, an alumna's rise to prominence in the world of NASCAR, writing and fine arts as career paths, political engagement in current and recent generations, investment strategies and the challenges of entrepreneurship.

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