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After four years of building skills and relationships, Bryce Febres ’22 is headed back to his hometown of Miami, Fla., to pursue a career in immigration law.
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Sol M. Linowitz Visiting Professor of International Affairs Robin Quinville was joined by Henry Platt Bristol Professor of International Relations Alan Cafruny and Professor of Government Sharon Rivera to discuss the conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
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John Ball, a Central New York native and former interim Madison County sheriff, recently joined the Hamilton Emergency Response Team as emergency manager. Here he talks about his background, his new position, and tips for preparing for an emergency.
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It's go time for Hamilton students who will be tackling real-world computing problems at the International Collegiate Programming Contest.
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In an op-ed titled “Can Putin keep the oligarchs and Russian elites on his side?” published in The Washington Post, shared data from her Survey of Russian Elites (SRE).
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Nick Osarenren ’22 was selected the 2022 New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) Men’s Basketball Defensive Player of the Year on Wednesday, March 2.
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Major national and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus.
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After a two-year hiatus, Hamilton’s Curling Club will be sweeping their way to Fargo, N.D., to compete in the National College Curling Championship taking place March 11-13.
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The Axolotl salamander can regrow not only its tail but also its limbs and parts of its brain, heart, and spinal cord. Based on research of the axolotl’s genome, Andy Chen ’16, along with his former professor at Harvard University and a team that includes the former CEO of a biotech company, have launched Matice Biosciences.
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Ellie Sangree ’24 arrived for her first semester at Hamilton equipped with more than the usual college essentials; she came with a concept for an experiment. It involved eutrophication, which is when excessive nutrients, often from agricultural chemicals, taint a body of water. It’s a major cause of pollution in freshwater and marine ecosystems.