  • Hamilton College Assistant Professor of English Dana Luciano gave a lecture at the University of Utah.  The lecture was titled "Queer Temporality and the Play of Mourning: AIDS, Melancholy, and the Future(s) of the Past."

  • A feature story recently published in The Weekly Standard magazine focused on a study conducted by Government Professor Philip Klinkner and Visiting Instructor of Government Richard Skinner '92. Their study, "Black, White, Brown and Cajun: The Racial Dynamics of the 2003 Louisiana Gubernatorial Election," suggested bias and unexpected support from the so-called "David Duke vote" were decisive in Democratic Gov. Kathleen Blanco's victory over Bobby Jindal.

  • The Governor of Iowa and Hamilton alumnus Thomas J. Vilsack ’72 was the focus of an article in The Star-Ledger. The article discussed his potential as Kerry's running mate, claiming Vilsack is an attractive running mate because he’s an emotional speaker who appeals to Midwestern values.

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