  • In an essay titled Getting around anti-Democratic obstacles to addressing climate change, Professor of Government Peter Cannavò explains how a fundamental problem in our system of governance stands in the way of enacting climate change legislation.

  • The Fillius Jazz Archive has, among its more than 400 videotaped interviews, two with jazz great Dave Brubeck, shared here.

  • President Trump has vowed to veto a bill authorizing more than $740 billion in defense spending because it includes a provision to change the names of 10 Army installations, wrote Chamberlain Fellow and Professor of History Ty Seidule in a Washington Post essay on Sunday, Nov. 29.

  • The paperback edition of Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History Maurice Isserman’s The Winter Army: The World War II Odyssey of the 10th Mountain Division, America’s Elite Alpine Warriors was published this month.

  • Assistant Professor of Government Erica De Bruin, Professor of Economics Ann Owen, and Director of Orientation and First-year Programs Tessa Chefalo appeared prominently in The Washington Post, American Public Media’s Marketplace, and The Chronicle of Higher Education, respectively, this month.

  • As dusk faded into darkness on a recent October night, words, illuminated in white light, trailed down an outer wall of the Kirner-Johnson Building, sending mysterious messages to those passing by. “Once I read in a children’s book that unicorns drink moonlight” and “Sorry our elephant orphanage has no vacancies.” What to make of it?

  • Hamilton College has joined the Liberal Arts Colleges Racial Equity Leadership Alliance this week as one of 51 inaugural member institutions. The alliance was launched by the University of Southern California Race and Equity Center on Nov. 9 and will afford faculty and staff of all member institutions with opportunities for learning and growth on issues of racial equity.

  • “Michael Rakowitz: Nimrud,” the Wellin Museum of Art’s exhibition that opened in October, focuses on the loss of Iraq’s art and cultural wealth via colonization, archaeological exploration, and war. The exhibit focuses on the re-creation of Room H of the Northwest Palace of the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud (Kalhu), constructed between 883 and 859 BCE, first excavated between 1845 and 1851 and thought to have included nearly 200 rooms.

  • Associate Professor of Art History Susan Jarosi is the co-principal investigator of a four-person team recently awarded a National Science Foundation Research Coordination Networks in Undergraduate Biology Education (RCN-UBE) Incubator grant.

  • A pandemic coupled with a presidential election have made for a challenging but successful season for the HamVotes team of students, faculty, and staff as they have focused on increasing the voter participation at the College.

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