  • This summer, Tara Cicic ’18 will be spending a good amount of time in Grant Garden, collecting samples from Professor Percy Saunders' peonies and genotyping them.

  • “There came a point where I realized I knew more about the U.S. healthcare system and its issues than about the healthcare system of the country I grew up in. This seemed problematic to me especially since I hope to someday practice medicine in Morocco,” said researcher Sofia Rachad ’18.

  • Geosciences major Emily Alexander ’19 spent a summer researching the water quality and water-system infrastructure of a small city near campus.

  • Next semester, Haley Tietz ’19, a literature major, plans to study abroad in India. And she wants to know how to write about it. “I’m trying to understand the relationship between feminism and Orientalism in travel writing, and whether it is possible to write about travel in a way that is not problematic,” said Tietz.

  • With the migration of hundreds of college students off the Hamilton campus, way has been made for a younger, more energetic, crowd. On Wednesday, June 7, and Thursday, June 8, third-graders from Hughes Elementary School, and Clinton Elementary School, respectively, visited the Taylor Science Center. As part of ongoing outreach with local public schools, faculty from the psychology, chemistry, physics, biology and geosciences departments hosted approximately 80 students per day, packing a variety of scientific disciplines into four interactive, 30-minute long seminars.

  • No one specific road leads to the theatre, and for Sarah Zeiberg ’18, the route includes an environmental studies and theatre double major.

  • Last fall, after taking Real Analysis, a course taught by Professor of Mathematics Robert Kantrowitz, a new, infinitely large world opened up for Lizz Spangenthal ’18 — she learned about Cantor’s Theorem.

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