  • A month before the weekend-long celebration of Albert Prettyman, the Hamilton hockey coach who brought the sport to the Mohawk Valley, alumnus and former Utica Observer-Dispatch sports writer John Pitarresi ’70 penned a summary of the upcoming festivities and Prettyman’s accomplishments for the paper.

  • Twelve organizations in the Town of Kirkland have received a share of $70,000 from the Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund. The Town-Gown Fund has now invested more than $763,000 in the Clinton community since 2001.

  • It's become a tradition for Hamilton students to visit nearby Clinton Elementary School to help children there learn Spanish. Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies Edna Rodriguez-Plate launched the volunteer program in 2012.

  • Members of the men's soccer team spent part of their day on April 29 at the Clinton Community Cleanup. Volunteers helped collect electronics for recycling, picked up trash throughout the village, and gathered food donations destined for the Country Pantry.

  • The Hamilton College Town-Gown Fund recently made $64,969 in grants to seven organizations, bringing the total disbursed from the endowment to more than $693,000 since 2001.

  • Flying brooms, flourishing wands and conjuring of various spells were seen throughout Benedict Hall this past weekend as more than 60 students participated in the 16th annual “Hogwarts at Hamilton” performances on Oct. 21 and Oct. 22. These shows, featuring both family-friendly and adult versions, functioned as fundraisers for the Kirkland Library as well as a way for youngsters, students and the Hamilton community to enjoy the October spirit.

  • Student Assembly’s Social Traditions Committee hosted a successful Fall Fest on Saturday, Oct. 10, on the Clinton Village Green. Many local families turned out on a beautiful autumn afternoon for activities and entertainment.

  • The 14th annual Hamilton College Fall Fest will take place on Saturday, Oct. 10, from noon to 4 p.m., on the Clinton Village Green. The event is free and open to the public.

  • Without a doubt, members of the Hamilton College men’s hockey team are tough.  Throughout the season, they face the rigors of the game, the physical stresses of practice and hard collisions, the mental challenges of balancing sport and school.  For the team, though hockey is a sport of fellowship.  It transcends simple competition, forming lifelong bonds based upon mutual respect and a love for the game. For Hamilton’s men’s hockey team, the Breaking Bread program epitomizes this concept.

  • Hamilton’s Sidekicks Program celebrated its third year anniversary on Oct. 21 with its Welcome Pizza Party. This year, 55 Hamilton College students were matched with 55 Clinton Elementary School students, ranging from first to sixth grade. With 18 pizzas and 10 bottles of soda on hand, students anticipated an enjoyable evening.

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