  • Dietra Harvey grew up in a household where critical citizenship and voting were basic tenets of family life. Today, in the same way she was brought into the voting booth as a young girl by her parents, Harvey carries on the tradition by bringing her own children to the polls every November.

  • The Hamilton College Republicans and Democrats joined forces early this morning to place 3,000 miniature American flags along Martin's Way, in remembrance of the close to 3,000 people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

  • The Hamilton College Democrats is a campus student group that works throughout the school year to promote civic engagement in the Hamilton community as well as support the politics of the Democratic Party. Several members have also taken the opportunity this summer to get involved in the political process through internships and volunteering.

  • Dean Obeidallah, comedian and political satirist, will perform at Hamilton on Tuesday, April 12, at 7 p.m., in the Fillius Events Barn. The performance is sponsored by the Hamilton College Democrats and is free and open to the public.

  • Baratunde Thurston, The Onion’s Web/Politics editor, will host a discussion at Hamilton College about political humor and the effect of new media on progressive politics on Tuesday, April 20, at 7 p.m., in the Red Pit in the Kirner-Johnson building. The lecture is sponsored by the Hamilton College Democrats and is free and open to the public.

  • American political reporter Eleanor Clift delivered a lecture titled “Politics in the Age of Obama” on Nov. 3 in the Science Center’s Kennedy Auditorium. A longtime reporter and editor of Newsweek magazine, her column “Capitol Letter” can be found in both Newsweek and on the MSNBC Web site.

  • Longtime Newsweek reporter and editor Eleanor Clift will present “Politics in the Age of Obama” on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 7:30 p.m., in the Science Center’s Kennedy Auditorium. Clift, who is also a regular panelist on the nationally syndicated The McLaughlin Report, will also answer questions from the audience. The program, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by the College Democrats.


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