11 05
When 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 5
Where Virtual Hamilton
Type Open to Off Campus Guests

Event Description

How do civil servants respond to a presidential turn toward authoritarianism?  In what ways-if any-can they restrain or counter leaders who defy the norms of liberal democratic governance?  Our own Jaime Kucinskas, Associate Professor of Sociology, will be giving this talk virtually with scholars in Israel who are using her book, The Loyalty Trap, to unpack what is happening in their government.

Scholars include:

Prof. Yaniv Roznai, Rubinstein Center for Constitutional Challenges, Reichman University

Dr. Nadiv Mordechay, Rubinstein Center for Constitutional Challenges, Reichman University

Prof. Sharon Gilad, Department of Political Science and the School of Public Policy, The Hebrew University

Prof. Moshe Maor, Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy, Reichman University

Dr. Talia Shiff, The School of Social and Policy Studies, Tel Aviv University

For Registration: RCCC@RUNI.AC.IL


Contact Name

Kim Reale

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