Event Description
To Sir, And Madam, With Love, With Merrill Fliederbaum ’78 and Jo Pitkin K’78
The 1978 Hamilton and Kirkland classes were fortunate to be under the tutelage of excellent and memorable professors. They guided, instructed, challenged, and inspired us. Beyond providing course-specific facts and details, both faculties instilled in us the necessary tools for thriving in our chosen professions and, perhaps more importantly, for being good citizens in the 21st century. They fostered critical thinking skills, intellectual curiosity, academic integrity, verbal and written dexterity, and confidence in our own abilities.
Join us for an informal discussion led by Merrill Fliederbaum ’78 and Jo Pitkin K’78, moderated by Judy Gray K'78, about the cherished professors who enriched our lives. Please be prepared to share your recollections and anecdotes! Friends from all class years are welcome.Registration is required. Use this link to register.
Contact Name
Jessica Zielinski
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