09 29
When 9:00 a.m. Sunday, September 29
Where Taylor Science Center North Atriette, Map #44
Type Open to Off Campus Guests

Event Description

All are welcome to attend our annual Poster Session to learn about Summer Collaborative Research projects completed by student researchers with their faculty advisers in the Sciences and Mathematics & Statistics

Come investigate science and mathematics research at Hamilton, and beyond, as students display posters of their summer research in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Geosciences, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, and Neuroscience.   Support for students’ research is generously provided by:   The Edward and Virginia Taylor Fund for Student/Faculty Research in Chemistry, The Ralph E. Hansmann Science Students Support Fund, The Stephen Harper Kirner Fund, The Ring Student Science Research Grant, The Sergei S. Zlinkoff Student Medical Research Fund, and other kind sponsors! 

Posters will remain on display throughout the weekend.


Contact Name

Claire Mckenney

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