08 01
When 12:00 a.m. Thursday, August 1
Where Hamilton College Campus
Type By Invitation Only

Event Description

Music for People: Art of Improvisation Event Image

MUSIC FOR PEOPLE will be on campus for their ANNUAL DEEP DIVE into musical renewal, mindfulness, and creativity. The Art of Improvisation workshop is for musicians and vocalists experienced in any musical tradition – classical, jazz, theater, rock, ethnic, avant-garde, et al. In an energetic, humorous and open-minded environment, they will discover how to move beyond the limits of musical training while playing at the peak of their technical and expressive ability. All instruments are welcome: acoustic, electric, winds, strings, hand drums, percussion and home-made innovations.

Led by Mary Knysh, Irene Feher, Alina Plourde and David Rudge, with help from members and graduates of Music for People’s Musicianship and Leadership Program, they will:

Discover skill and confidence. Release musical inhibitions.

Jam with other creative participants in large and small groups in unique combinations.

Experience why listening and imitation are the most fundamental musical skills. In this approach, there are “no wrong notes.”

Create music “in the moment” by playing through your heart.

Record with other workshop participants.

Sessions include:

Developing and practicing group facilitation skills.

Exploring vocal expression.

Deepening your musicianship with improvisation.


Contact Name

Dannelle Parker

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