Area of Study
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Kirner-Johnson Building 237

Stephanie A. Dhuman's research and teaching focus on racialization and racism, Latinx (im)migration, sexuality, and family, and has been published in Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Sociological Inquiry. Dhuman is currently working on research related to Black-Latinx intergroup relations, Latinx identity and racialization experiences, sociopolitical agency within racialized organizations, and ethnoracial disparities in the foster care system. At the University of Florida, she earned her master’s and doctorate degrees in sociology, with focus in the substantive areas of race/ethnicity and Latinx sociology.

Select Publications

  • Dhuman, S. A. (2024). “I’m not a pure Puerto Rican?” Racialization, respectability politics, and Puerto Rican intragroup tensions. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1–19.
  • Dhuman, S. A. (2023). The “Puerto Rican Problem” in postwar New York City: by Edgardo Meléndez, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 2022, v+240pp., $32.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-1978831469. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(8), 1702–1704.
  • Dhuman, S. A. (2023). “Why Can’t We Have Some Kind of Unity?” Cultural Contention Amongst Puerto Rican and Black Residents in Southern Suburbia. Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 9(4), 470-485.
  • Dhuman, S. A., & Vargas, N. (2020). Threatening places or diverse spaces: Divergent constructions of Florida Puerto Ricans across Twitter and newspaper articles. Sociological Inquiry, 90(1), 101-122.

Professional Affiliations

American Sociological Association
Puerto Rican Studies Association
Society for Social Work and Research
Southern Sociological Society

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Florida
M.A., University of Florida
B.A., University of Florida

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