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Christian A. Johnson 220

Claire Mouflard specializes in contemporary French and francophone literature, culture, and film. Mouflard teaches courses in French and English on the topics of contemporary immigrant literature and film within the francophone world, in particular the French Caribbean and the North African diaspora, and on narratives of immigration in metropolitan France.

In her teaching, Mouflard strives to create connections and encourage collaboration between the humanities, arts, sciences, and social sciences.

She has published articles on immigration in film and literature in Romance Notes, Women in French Studies, Humanities, and Cinémas. Mouflard received her maîtrise (M.A.) in English from the University of Burgundy in Dijon, her master’s degree in French and francophone studies from the University of Montana, and her doctoral degree in French and francophone studies from the University of Washington in Seattle. Her dissertation was entitled "L'Autre en mouvement: Representations of the Postcolonial Urban Other in Contemporary French Art, Literature, and Cinema."

Recent Courses Taught

Gender and Immigration in France
In Translation: North African Diaspora in French Literature
Travel Literature in French
Introduction to French Studies
Contemporary France

Research Interests

  • The construction of immigrant identities in contemporary metropolitan French culture, literature and film
  • Twentieth and twenty-first century French and Francophone literature and film
  • Digital humanities, new media and digital authority
  • Postcolonial theory
  • Postcolonial feminisms


  • Dean’s Scholarly Achievement Award (Hamilton College, 2021)
  • "Our Shared Humanities" Andrew W. Mellon Fondation Grant to create a symposium on the legacy of Sarah Baartman (Union College, 2016)
  • Humanities Faculty Research Grant (Union College, 2014)
  • Nesholm Family Fellowship, for doctoral research (University of Washington, 2011)

Select Publications

  • Ethnic Minority Women’s Writing in France: Publishing Practices, Identity Formation (1998-2005). Lanham: Lexington Books. (2020)
Edited Volume
  • Gender in French Banlieue Cinema: Intersectional Perspectives, Co-Editor with Marzia Caporale and Habib Zanzana. Lanham: Lexington Books. (2024)
Peer-reviewed articles
  • “Race, Class, and the Imminence of Revolt in Lei¨la Slimani’s Chanson douce.” Women in French Studies v32: 30-46. (2024)
  • “Noire n’est pas leur me´tier: solidarite´s intersectionnelles et militantisme chez Rokhaya Diallo et Ai¨ssa Mai¨ga,” in Solid/taires: Fe´minisme(s) et sororite´(s) dans les productions artistiques franc¸aises et francophones, edited by Ramona Melusiel. Leiden: Brill Publishers; 41-55. (2023)
  • “Stages, Streets, and Social Media: Online Activism and Intersectional Feminism in France during the Pandemic.” French Politics, Culture, and Society, v40 n2, Summer 2022: 29-51. (2022)
  • The Digital Griotte: Bessora’s Para/Textual Discourses on Identity Politics and Neocolonialism in Contemporary France.” Humanities 8, no. 1 : 2. (2019)
  • Les Revenants: l’Algérie et le retour du refoulé dans le cinema français.” Cinémas. (2018)
  • “Évoluée or Intégrée: Black and Beur Publishing Practices in Contemporary Metropolitan French Women Writing.” Romance Notes 56.2 : 305-20. (2016)
  • “Zombies and Refugees: Variations on the “Post-human” and the “Non-human” in Robin Campillo’s Les Revenants (2004) and Fabrice Gobert’s Les Revenants (2012-2015).” Humanities 5, no. 3: 48. (2016)
  • “‘Il y a des règles:’ Gender, Surveillance and Circulation in Céline Sciamma’s Bande de filles.” Women in French Studies. v24 n1: 113-126. (2016)
  • “Haunted Bodies and Haunting Memories: Transference and Transcendence of ‘h/Histoires’ in Calixthe Beyala’s Tu tappelleras Tanga.” Romance Notes 51, no. 2: 171-178. (2011)

College Service

Committee on Appointments (2024-27)
Honor court (2021-2024)
Kirkland Endowment Activities Committee (2021-24)
New Faculty Orientation Committee (2022-25)
Liberal Arts Collaborative Committee for Digital Innovation (2020-23)
Faculty Liaison, French Club, 2017-19

Professional Affiliations

American Association of University Women
American Comparative Literature Association
Modern Language Association
New York African Studies Association

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of Washington
M.A., University of Montana
Maîtrise (M.A.) Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangeres (L.L.C.E.), Anglais, Univerisité de Bourgogne
Licence (B.A.) Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangeres (L.L.C.E.), Anglais, Univerisité de Bourgogne

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