Margaret Gentry
Chair, Margaret Bundy Scott Professor of Women’s and Gender StudiesExpertisewomen and aging; widowhood; caregiving of elderly; psychology of women/gender; household division of labor -
Vivyan Adair
Professor of Women’s and Gender StudiesExpertisewomen’s studies; race, class, gender, sexuality and nation; comparative literature and theories of composition and rhetoric; sexuality studies; welfare reform, education and public policy -
Montiniquë McEachern
Visiting Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender StudiesExpertiseBlack feminism, podcasting, queer of color mental health, digital feminism, queer liberation movements -
Nina Medvedev
Visiting Assistant Professor of Women's and Gender StudiesExpertiseHousing, platforms, ethnography, feminist science and technology studies, political economy, racial capitalism, social movements, trans studies -
Mariah Stember
Visiting Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender StudiesExpertisewomen’s, gender and sexuality studies; gender scholarship; feminist theory; interdisciplinary feminist scholarship; African studies; public policy, and global health
Department Name
Women's and Gender Studies Department
Contact Name
Margaret Gentry, Chair
Office Location
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
Clinton, NY 13323