Each year our students compete favorably for some of the country’s most prestigious and competitive national fellowships and scholarships.

Recent Award Recipients

  • Alexandria Nicholson-Dotson ’11 has been awarded Hamilton’s prestigious Bristol Fellowship. The Bristol Fellowship was begun in 1996 as part of a gift to the college by William M. Bristol Jr., (Class of 1917).  Created by his family, the fellowship is designed to encourage Hamilton students to experience the richness of the world by living outside the United States for one year and studying an area of great personal interest.

  • Taylor Adams '11 and Deborah Barany '11 have been awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowships. Adams, a chemistry major, and Barany who is majoring in neuroscience, will both receive a three-year annual stipend of $30,000 and a $10,500 cost-of -education allowance for tuition and fees, and the freedom to conduct their own research at any accredited U.S. or foreign institution of graduate education they choose.

  • Connor Brown ’12 and Julia Litzky ’12 have been named Barry M. Goldwater Scholars for the 2011-12 academic year. They are among 275 scholars from across the U.S. to receive the Goldwater, the premier national undergraduate award in the fields of mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering.

  • Hamilton seniors Mary Phillips, Nathan Schneck and Julia Wilber have been awarded prestigious Thomas J. Watson Fellowships for 2011-12. Phillips’ project is titled “Safe Spaces: All-Girl Environments and Their Role in Community Development”; Schneck will pursue “Voluntary Poverty: A Means for Individual and Community Transformation”; and Wilber received the Watson  for her project “A Single Thread: Producers and Consumers of Fair Trade Clothing.”

  • Steven Pet ’12 has been awarded a Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History fellowship to attend a one-week program in June in New York City. Pet, a government and history major from New Milford, Conn., is one of 30 college sophomores and juniors to win the annual national award.

  • Tiffany Sanders '11 has been awarded a Davis Peace Project Fellowship program grant of $10,000. A Posse Foundation scholar from Boston, she plans to use her to project award to create open enrollment, free karate classes at the Orchard Gardens Community Center in Dorchester, Mass.

  • Eve Denton ’12 and Kelsey Rice ’10 have been awarded U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarships (CLS) to pursue learning in critical needs languages this summer. Denton will study Chinese in Shanghai and Rice will study Azerbaijani in Azerbaijan. Denton is a Chinese major and Rice is majoring in history at Hamilton.

  • Emily Zeidler ’10 has been awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to Indonesia. She is an anthropology major at Hamilton.

  • Asian Studies Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature Anna Oldfield has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages in Almaty.

  • Hai Lin ’10 has been awarded a national Math for America fellowship. Lin, a mathematics major, is the first Hamilton student to receive the award. The fellowship provides a full tuition scholarship, annual stipends of up to $100,000 over five years, in addition to a full-time teacher’s salary and mentoring and professional development services.


International Summer Research Funding

This new program is designed to support second- and third-year Hamilton students who wish to conduct summer research outside the United States in locations such as universities, government agencies, museums, archives, art galleries, archaeological and historical sites, research libraries, laboratories, and field sites.

About the Program



Contact Name

Lisa Grimes

Student Fellowships Coordinator

Office Location
Bristol Center

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