
The Social Justice Initiative

In 2007, a coalition of students came together to form the Social Justice Initiative, a group dedicated to creating positive change in the experiences of marginalized groups on the Hill and to promote interaction and awareness among all members of the Hamilton College community. Founded by Black, Latinx, Asian, and International students alongside members of the groups known then as the Rainbow Alliance and Womxn’s Center, SJI was formed in response to various acts of racism on campus over the years.

As stated in their charter, the Social Justice Initiative was comprised of students from various historical multicultural groups on campus which were known by the following names at the time: Black Student Union, La Vanguardia, Brothers, Rainbow Alliance, Womxn’s Center, West Indian and African Association, Asian Cultural Society, Muslim Student Union, International Students Association.

From 2007-2011, the group spread awareness on how marginalized groups often felt isolated, ignored and alienated due to hidden implicit social and structural racism on college campuses. The Social Justice Initiative recognized that the intersectionality of a student’s identity can affect their experience on the Hill. Its leaders worked to provide a regular venue open to the entire student body to develop strategic goals, such as curricular reform, the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty & staff and the establishment of a Cultural Education Center.

SJI developed numerous proposals to the college for these changes that reflected the group’s thorough research of the efforts of other colleges and consultation with students and faculty. One of these proposals was the establishment of a physical and intellectual space on campus that would amplify marginalized voices, facilitate student community organizing, push for inclusive educational initiatives and strive to make the Hamilton experience more equitable for students.

The Social Justice Initiative envisioned a dynamic, vibrant home that would host speakers, events, workshops and much more; a space where open and honest discussions around difficult issues and how to address them would be facilitated. Thanks to the dedicated work of these students, this dream would become a reality with the establishment of the Days-Massolo Center in 2011.

The Days-Massolo Center is a lot of things and holds a different meaning for every person who has walked through its doors over the years. With every year, it is always changing and evolving so as to better serve students, because students made and continue to make the Days-Massolo Center what it is today.


Office / Department Name

Days-Massolo Center

Contact Name

Koboul E. Mansour, Ph.D

Director of the Days-Massolo Center

Office Location
Days-Massolo Center

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