Analyses and Visualizations
Benchmarks Analysis
Most of the questions in the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey are five point Likert Scale items. COACHE Benchmarks are the unweighted arithmetic means of several items that fall within the same theme. Benchmarks allow the reader to understand how faculty feel about a particular issue without reading each individual item. In these views, the reader gets a general perspective on the results and guides them to the sections that warrant a deeper dive. The Benchmarks at a Glance view visualizes your institution’s results compared to peers, the cohort, and prior survey administrations. Additionally, you can filter the view by tenure status, rank, gender, and race. The Benchmark Dashboard provides similar analytics and differences within groups at your institution (e.g. men compared to women). Also within the Benchmark Analysis view is a separate tab that shows your results by discipline. Finally the Divisional Analysis displays your benchmark scores broken out by academic divisions (when provided).
Thematic Breakouts
After reviewing the Benchmark Analyses, you may want to dive deeper into a particular set of items. The Thematic Breakouts allow you to understand the individual items that make up the Benchmarks. Using the same iconography as the Benchmark Dashboard View, these displays provide internal and external comparisons by tenure status, rank, gender, race, and Academic Discipline. In several cases, there are items that fall outside the Benchmarks. You’ll find those responses in the Additional Analysis tab. Another feature to the Thematic Breakouts is the integration of open text comments in this section. Any time faculty shared an open-text response coded to that theme, the comment will appear in the Related Comments tab. For help understanding these visualizations, see video tutorial on Thematic Breakouts.
Global Views
Throughout the Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey, respondents are asked about their general perceptions of the institution. When items do not fall into a specific Benchmark they are displayed in the Global Satisfaction Views.