College Colors
Continental Blue & Buff
Continental Blue PMS 287 C* CMYK: 100 72 2 12 RGB: 0 47 134 Hexadecimal: #002f86 |
Buff PMS 467 C* CMYK: 17 24 49 0 RGB: 214 186 139 Hexadecimal: #d6ba8b |
* PMS: Pantone Matching System — an international system for identifying colors in the graphic arts community
Hamilton Colors in Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint
In the color palatte, go to "More Colors," then use the color sliders to create colors with the RGB values.
- Continental Blue RGB: 0 47 134
- Buff RGB: 214 186 139
Color Notes for Fabric or Other Materials
Use the color formulas listed to the left for producing or ordering items for which those formulas may be applied.
If ordering items from “stock” colors, always use the ROYAL blue color option; never use the NAVY option. Navy should not be used for any items representing the College.
Note: Navy items in the College bookstore are from older inventory and have otherwise been discontinued.
Embroidery Thread Specifications for Continental Blue & Buff
Madeira Polyneon Blue #1843
Madeira Polyneon Buff #1738
Robison-Anton Super Brite Polyester Blue #5738 (Blue Suede)
Robison-Anton Super Brite Polyester Buff #9125 (Rice Paper)
Robison-Anton Super Strength Rayon Blue #2210 (Royal)
Robison-Anton Super Strength Rayon Buff #2570 (Golden Tan)
Alternate choice if preferred thread is not available:
Madeira Rayon Blue #1166
Madeira Rayon Buff #1084

Athletics Graphics
Our Athletics Graphics have very specific color and embroidery specifications.