Days-Massolo Center 10th Anniversary The Days-Massolo Center archive project was created to organize and digitize posters and videos of DMC-sponsored events during its ten-year history. As importantly, the project provides DMC student ambassadors with opportunities to develop their digital capabilities through creating online exhibits to celebrate the organization's contributions to the Hamilton community.

DMC YouTube Channel

Project Title Days-Massolo Archive
Description The Days-Massolo Center archive project was created to organize and digitize posters and videos of DMC-sponsored events during its ten-year history. As importantly, the project provides DMC student ambassadors with opportunities to develop their digital capabilities through creating online exhibits to celebrate the organization's contributions to the Hamilton community.
Deliverables Digital Audio Files
Scanned Images
Date 2020-

Mindsets Analytic Thinking
Expressive Thinking
Capabilities Digital Curation
Graphic Design and Visualization

Adobe Premiere
Google for Education
Timeline JS

Learning Levels Engage
Hamilton Educational Goals Communication and Expression

Carl Wohnsen, Multimedia Systems Technician
Project Lead Sacharja Cunningham, Instructional Designer
Paola Lopez, Director of the Days-Massolo Center
Collaborators Dave Herringshaw, Web Communications Manager
Lisa McFall, Associate Director, Digital Initiatives and Technology
Marianita Peaslee, Photography and Digital Imagery Specialist
Forrest Warner, Instructional Designer, Digital Innovation
Departments and Offices Days-Massolo Center
Library and Information Technology Services

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