  • The Days -Massolo Center was formally dedicated on Friday, April 1, during Volunteer Weekend. It is named for Hamilton trustees Drew S. Days III ’63 and Arthur J. Massolo ’64 and is aimed at promoting diversity awareness on campus.  Massolo and his wife Karen unveiled the center’s plaque and Days offered remarks via video.

  • Members of the Posse Foundation and Hamilton community gathered on campus March 31 to celebrate a 10-year partnership. The Posse Foundation was represented by chief operating officer Matthew Fasciano, regional vice president Sue Dalelio,  director of Posse Miami Larissa Ramos,  and Lamont Gordon, director of Posse Boston. Hamilton Posse students and alumni as well as college administrators and faculty attended. Former Posse scholar Hector Acevedo '08 gave the keynote address.

  • Filmmaker Gisela Sanders Alcantara, whose most recent film, New Children/New York, documents the lives of Latino immigrants in New York City, will visit Hamilton on Thursday, March 31, as part of Cesar Chavez Commemorative Week events. Alcantara will host a workshop on the making of New Children/New York at 4:30 p.m., and there will be a screening of the film at 7 p.m. Both events will take place in the KJ Bradford Auditorium and are free and open to the public.

  • Hamilton will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its partnership with the Posse Foundation on March 31. The Posse Foundation identifies, recruits and selects student leaders from public high schools to form multicultural teams called “posses,” which are then placed at top colleges nationwide.

  • Hamilton College will celebrate the legacy of labor and civil rights leader Cesar Chavez with volunteer projects and campus events from March 30 through April 2. Chavez led the non-violent movement for farmworkers’ rights, a movement that extended beyond the fields and into cities and towns across the nation, and helped found the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW).

  • The Days-Massolo Center hosted a discussion titled “American Muslims and the Crisis of Islam” with Yale American studies and religious studies professor Zareena Grewal on March 3.   As a historical anthropologist Grewal focuses her research on Islam in the U.S.  

  • On Tuesday, February 22, the new Days-Massolo Center held its first presentation on cultural diversity. The Center, which opened earlier this year, is meant to provide support for and foster dialogue about cultural diversity at Hamilton. Through its first lecture, it achieved this goal. The speaker, Giovanna Zaldini, a Somali-Italian cultural mediator, presented an informal discussion about cultural mediation.

  • Giovanna Zaldini, a Somalian and pioneering figure in immigrant advocacy in Italy, will give an informal talk titled “A Conversation about Cultural Mediation,” on Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 4:15 p.m. in the Days-Massolo Cultural Education Center (formerly the Ferry Building) on College Hill Road. The talk is free and open to the public.

  • The inaugural lecture of the new Days-Massolo Cultural Education Center will take place on Thursday, Jan. 27, at 4 p.m., in the Kirner-Johnson Bradford Auditorium. The presentation, titled “Diversity in the Liberal Arts College: Institutional Dimensions and Uses,” will feature two speakers: Eric Estes, dean of Multicultural Affairs at Oberlin College and Hamilton College Professor of Anthropology Bonnie Urciuoli.

  • More than 50 students from Hamilton College and the five other New York Six Liberal Arts Consortium’s member institutions gathered at Colgate University on Sept. 24 for a Student Diversity Leadership Conference. “This was the first major event sponsored by the New York Six, and it was a great success,” said Amy Cronin, special assistant to the presidents for the consortium.

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