  • If you’ve been away from Hamilton’s news site this summer you’ve missed a lot! Many students kept academics at the top of their summer “To-Do” list by collaborating on research projects with faculty. Others explored possible careers through internships supported by the College. See some highlights below and read news stories about summer research and internships here.

  • When Jesse Elmer ’21 helped plan Hamilton’s History Club outing to the Seward House Museum in Auburn, N.Y., he didn’t know that the trip would lead him to his summer internship.

  • A music major, Melo Albino ’20 commits himself to music studies during the school year. And as an intern for Red Roof Records, a broadcasting station and record label, he’s spent the summer continuing that commitment.

  • For many students pursuing a higher education, a common goal relates to finding ways to give back upon graduation. At Hamilton, students like Anyi Rescalvo ’22 are able to get a jump-start on giving back through opportunities for career-related experiences during the summer.

  • Boyle Heights is a vibrant, tight-knit neighborhood with a long history of activism on the East Side of Los Angeles. Over the years, a wide-range of nonprofit organizations have risen to uplift the community in a multitude of ways while addressing important issues impacting the area.

  • This summer, Haruna Shimizu ’21 is interning at Columbia University Medical Center. There, she furthers her science writing abilities while learning about new developments in the medical world.

  • As long as animal rights are threatened, Akela Baldwin ’20 fights for animal justice. An aspiring animal rights lawyer, she is continuing the fight through one internship at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge and another at Farm Sanctuary.

  • For James Sanderson ’21, helping educate youth has been a longtime endeavor. When he was younger, he helped his mother work for The Sudanese Education Foundation, which helps provide survivors of the Sudanese genocide with education. Later he helped her develop her company ThinkerAnalytix, which designs curricula for high schools and colleges. Now, Sanderson is working for Harlem Lacrosse, a non-profit organization that gives inner-city, at-risk youth in New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and Philadelphia athletic coaching and academic tutoring, and he couldn’t be more pleased.

  • Brigit Humphreys ’21 is interning this summer with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Great Falls, Mont. There, she helps protect and support local wildlife.

  • An intern at the Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Gabe Linden '20 has spent the past couple months assisting the practice’s orthopedic research manager with various clinical studies.

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