  • “…The constantly expanding and contracting scope of the federal mandate creates confusion, uncertainty, and expense,” wrote President David Wippman in a co-authored essay published in The Hill.

  • Major national and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. Highlights of June’s coverage have been compiled by the Media Relations Office.

  • “Jumping to partisan conclusions based on isolated incidents taken out of context” is a “problem that affects all aspects of American culture, society, and politics” wrote President David Wippman in a co-authored essay published in The Hill on June 27.

  • Associate Professor of Chemistry Max Majireck has been awarded a major research grant from the National Science Foundation to develop new types of reagents, materials that are used in chemical reactions that can include the synthesis of pharmaceuticals.

  • Mix a passion for technology and design with an interest in crypto, NFTs, blockchain, and the metaverse, and you have the ingredients for a personalized concentration that combines art and computer science and a Hamiltonian ready to help others understand it all.

  • “Private immigration prisons maintain some of the most disturbing and brutal conditions within the American prison system,” Finlay Adamson ’22 wrote in his essay titled “Biden Is Locking Up Thousands of Immigrants in For-Profit Detention Centers” in Jacobin magazine.

  • What started as an endeavor to reduce unnecessary waste 15 years ago now provides five community organizations with sizable donations at the end of every spring semester.

  • Is there life on other planets? What does the term ‘Viking’ really mean? Is Earth due for another reversal of the magnetic field? Expert faculty members from several departments, including history, east Asian languages, art history, geosciences, government, and physics, share a little-known fact about their discipline.

  • “Remaining monolingual is a surefire way for America to fall behind,” an op-ed co-authored by President David Wippman and Cornell American Studies Professor Glenn Altschuler in The Hill, revealed that the U.S. remains a mostly monolingual country.

  • Last year Riley Nichols ’21 developed a program titled “Philosophy with Children” with 12 other students under the direction of John Stewart Kennedy Chair of Philosophy Marianne Janack. The group developed and delivered virtual weekly lessons exploring age-appropriate topics in philosophy with groups of Clinton elementary and middle school students. Some of the lesson plans developed by the Hamilton students have been selected and published by PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization).

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