  • Read Orpheus Lost by Janette Turner Hospital, and join the author for reading and discussion on Friday, Nov. 9 at 2:30 p.m. in the Great Room at Spencer House. Turner Hospital is Carolina Distinguished Professor of English at the University of South Carolina, and this event is sponsored by English Department and Office of the President.

  • Sarah Zeigler '05 received a masters in musical theater from the Boston Conservatory and is auditioning for parts in New York City. Watch for news of her Broadway debut!

  • Susan Frey ’84, director of education, Thoreau Institute at the Walden Woods Project in Lincoln, Mass., will lead a "Walden Pond Trek" for The Boston Alumni Association at 9 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 16. She will comment on the natural history of the Pond as well as the most famous denizen of Walden Woods, Henry David Thoreau. 

  • Nearly 3,000 memorial flags were displayed along Martin's Way in honor of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. In addition, the Hamilton community observed a moment of silence at noon and gathered at 4 pm outside the Dunham entrance of Commons for a ceremony in memory of the victims.

  • Daniel José Custódio '00 is team captain of SlamRichmond, Virginia's first team to compete in the PSI National Poetry competition. He led a five-member team to Austin, Texas to compete in the competition, which consists of 75 teams and 300 poets, for the second year in a row.  "Modern-Day Gladiator," a group piece written by Daniel, was featured during the semi-finals. SlamRichmond plans to send a team to the competition next year and hopes that the experience they have gained in the last two will serve them well.  According to Daniel, "We have all the ingredients to win the championship next year."  For more information on SlamRichmond or on Daniel's poetry, please visit www.myspace.com/slamrichmond or www.thepoetdaniel.com. 

  • Join alumni, faculty members, students and friends for Fallcoming '07 which will take place Thursday, Sept. 27 through Sunday, Sept. 30. During Fallcoming we will celebrate our inaugural Multicultural Reunion as well as a full schedule with world-class jazz, panel discussions and athletic contests.

  • You're invited to Alexander Hamilton's birthday party!  This month alumni across the country are throwing parties in his honor. We hope that you will come and raise a glass to old Al Ham!

  • Young Han '06 was interviewed for an Associated Press article, "Students fighting for right to register to vote in college towns."

  • Although summer is a great time to catch up on that "must-read" book list, most Americans aren't reading books. A recently released study by the National Endowment for the Arts found that less than half of the adult population now reads literature.  The Hamilton community, as one might expect, is bucking the trend. ATH asked a few employees to share what they are delving into this summer.

  • Ron Chernow, award-winning biographer, will give the Victor Johnson Lecture at Hamilton College on Thursday, Sept. 30. Chernow will present his lecture, "Alexander Hamilton: The Man Who Imagined America," in the Hamilton College Chapel at 4:15 p.m.

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