We skate 5 on 5, not including goalies... or shooter tutors.

Roster Requirements

A player may only play on one team in each league

'A' League
  • No female participation requirement
  • Maximum 15 players per roster
'B' League
  • At least 1 female on the ice for a total of 1 half
  • At least 2 females on the roster
  • Maximum 20 players per roster


  • Team that forfeits receives loss
  • Teams can play with a minimum of four players
  • First forfeit results in a stern warning
  • Second forfeit results in the inability to make playoffs
  • Third forfeit results in removal with prejudice from the league

Reporting Scores

The captain of the winning team is required to submit an email which includes names of both teams and the score to the imhockey@hamilton.edu before 10:00pm the next day after the game. Failure to report a score will result in a loss for both teams. 

Notify us through email ASAP if opposing team forfeits.

If a team cannot make a scheduled game for any reason, the captain of the absent team must call the other team's captain as soon as possible to notify him or her of the situation.

Game Rules

  • 2x25 minute halves
  • No checking
  • Helmet, stick, and gloves are required, but shin guards & elbow pads are highly encouraged.
  • To begin the game, captains can either face-off at center ice, or use their discretion
  • When in doubt or dispute, NCAA collegiate rules should resolve the question
  • No off-sides (within reason)
  • No icing
  • Goalies are always welcome to play and will be gladly added to rosters at any point in the season


Just for playoffs

Game Schedules

Monday-Thursday games, with some Sunday make up sessions throughout the season

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