AXB has offered trips building homes in rural communities in Virginia and South Carolina with Habitat For Humanity, tutoring inner-city youth in Baltimore and Philadelphia, or maintaining beautiful nature trails in Tennessee and Kentucky.
Each trip consists of up to 12 students and the trips are led by 2 student leaders. AXB provides students the opportunity to meet new friends and explore new places while helping others. Each spring break trip gets a day off to explore the area they are serving, having the opportunity to do fun things such as explore Mammoth Caves in Kentucky and duckpin bowling in Baltimore. The students are housed in churches, camps and refugee centers. Anyone is welcome to participate in AXB and full scholarship is available to those who demonstrate need!
AXB has now evolved into its own student organization with an executive board that runs the program with Hamilton’s COOP. The winter break trip is nine days, spring break trips are seven days, and the fall break trip is four days.
For more information:
History of AXB
Hamilton’s AXB program was initially sponsored by the Hamilton Association for Volunteering, Outreach and Charity (HAVOC), a student-run organization that provides community service in Oneida County. The Alternative Spring Break program was started in 1993 when 20 students traveled to Miami to work on Hurricane Andrew relief with Habitat for Humanity. In subsequent years, the number of participants has steadily increased.