Bobby Fong, dean of the faculty at HamiltonCollege, announced the appointment of new faculty for the 1998-99 academicyear, including 7 tenure track appointments, 28 visiting professorsand 15 others for the 1998-1999 academic year. New tenure trackappointments include:

Vivyan C. Adair, assistant professor, women's studies -- B.A. in 1991,M.A. in 1993, Graduate Women Studies Teaching Certificate in 1994, and Ph.D in1997, from the University of Washington, Seattle. Most recently a lecturer inwomen's studies at the University of Washington, Adair has authored severalarticles and conference papers. She also has served as adult literacy directorfor the Goodwill Adult Literacy 2000 Project in Seattle.

Steve J. Goldberg, associate professor of art -- B.A. in 1968 from theBrooklyn College of the City University of New York; M.A. in 1970 from theUniversity of Hawaii; and, Ph.D. in 1981 from the University of Michigan.Goldberg specializes in the history of Chinese art. He received the ResearchRelations Fund Award from the University of Hawaii to support funding ofphotographic illustrations for the publication, The Inscriptive Subject:Tradition and the Construction of Identity in Chinese Painting andCalligraphy, 1997. He has written many books and articles and conductednumerous lectures.

Mihyang Cecilia Hwangpo, instructor of romance languages -- B.A. in1991 from City University of New York; Ph.D in 1998 from Yale University. Arecipient of the Yale University Dissertation Fellowship, Hwangpo was mostrecently an adjunct lecturer at the State University of New York at Stonybrook,and had been a teaching assistant at Yale University.0

Doran Larson, assistant professor of English -- B.A. in 1980 from theUniversity of California at Santa Cruz; M.A. in 1985, and Ph.D. in 1990 fromthe State University of New York at Buffalo. Larson has served as an assistantprofessor at the University of Texas, San Antonio, and the University ofWisconsin. He has published books of fiction as well as academic articles, andhas presented at numerous conferences.

George C. Shields, professor of chemistry -- B.S. in 1981, M.S. in1983, and Ph.D in physical chemistry in 1986 from the Georgia Institute ofTechnology. Shields has conducted postdoctoral research at Yale University andthe Howard Hughes Medical Institute on Protein-DNA interactions, utilizingX-ray crystallography. Shields was most recently chair of the chemistrydepartment at Lake Forest College. He was Invited Professor in the departmentof biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Barcelona, Spain in1995-96. Shields has received numerous grants and awards and has been directorof Lake Forest Richter Scholars undergraduate research. He has authored severalscience education book chapters and numerous articles.

Kiron Kanina Skinner, assistant professor of government -- A.B. in 1981from Spelman College; master's degree, 1985, and Ph.D., 1994 from HarvardUniversity. Skinner has been a Hoover Institution Research Fellow at StanfordUniversity. She serves on the Council on Foreign Relations, New York. Skinnerwas a visiting assistant professor at UCLA, a research director at StanfordUniversity and teaching fellow at Harvard University. Skinner has publishedmany papers and presented at numerous conferences.

Mitchell Stevens, assistant professor of sociology -- B.A. fromMacalester College; M.A. in 1989, and Ph.D. in 1996 from NorthwesternUniversity. Stevens specializes in social interaction, social problems andpolicy, the sociology of education and urban sociology. Prior to coming toHamilton, he was a visiting lecturer at St. Lawrence University.

New visiting faculty members for the 1998-1999 academic year include: NancyBachman, biology; Jennifer Silverman Borton, psychology; Tamara Burk, EmersonScholar; Hubert Dreyfus, philosophy; Ben Fred-Mensah, government; AriadnaGarcia-Bryce, romance languages; Linda Horwitz, rhetoric and communications;Lisa Hughes, classics; Christophe Ippolito, romance languages; GeorgeKrompacky, East Asian languages; Bruce Laingen, government; Laura Malloy,women's studies; Kirt Moody, biology; Renate Reimann, sociology; David Stone,history; Bruce Van Blarcom, theatre and dance; Jack Waas, chemistry; and ErinWhitemore-Hitt, psychology.

Returning visiting faculty members are: Thomas Bass, comparative literature;Megan Deeney, mathematics; Lisa Ferrari, government; Arvind Jaggi, economics;Adam Lutzker, economics; Kerry Mullins, sociology; George O'Connell, English;Kirk Pillow, philosophy; Steven Rivers, physics; and Marcy Sacks, history.

Three new lecturers have also been named. For the fall semester they include:Thomas Mazzullo, art; Karen Stearns, teacher education; Lisa Trevedi, history.Returning lecturers are: Maria Brane, psychology; Louise Charbonneau, romancelanguages; Sharon Humphries-Brooks, college 100; Scott MacDonald, art; andSidney Wertimer, economics.

Named to teach for both the fall and spring semesters are: Alison Doughtie,English as a second language; Richard Lloyd, theatre and dance; and SharonWilliams, English.

Four new teaching fellows have also joined the foreign language departments:Etsuko Ingouchi, Japanese; Chen Ling-chieh, Chinese; Jasmin Skrodzki, German;and Jean-Pierre Taoutel, French.

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