  • Eric De Bruin's talk: “From Batons to Bullets: How Militarized Forms of Policing Spread Around the Globe."

    When  4:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 25
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 125 Bradford Auditorium, Map #14
  • Reception to follow the Erica De Bruin's Conversations Across Disciplines: “From Batons to Bullets: How Militarized Forms of Policing Spread Around the Globe."

    When  5:15 p.m. Wednesday, September 25
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) Curtis R. Wilhelm Mezzanine, Map #14
  • Robert Knight: "Towards a Human Geography: Recent Projects Exploring Migration, Spirituality and the Built Environment." Reception to follow on the KJ Commons Mezzanine.

    When  4:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 23
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) 125 Bradford Auditorium, Map #14
    By Invitation Only
  • Reception to follow the Rob Knight's Conversations Across Disciplines:

    Towards a Human Geography: Recent Projects Exploring Migration, Spirituality and the Built Environment."  

    When  5:15 p.m. Wednesday, October 23
    Where  Kirner-Johnson (KJ) Curtis R. Wilhelm Mezzanine, Map #14


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